About Jocelyn

"Everyone has Potential "  

My Passion is helping women build the confidence to unlock their potential.  With over ten years of mentoring and coaching, my goal is to help you discover your strengths and use them to reach your goals.

My Professional Career

The 15 years I spent in corporate America were not easy.  I worked countless hours, ran into brick walls and even had a few blunders.  Like many of you, I did not have a road map when it came to my  career.  While some things came easy, I learned many things the hard way.

Without supportive networks, strong mentors and the right information, navigating the professional arena was like an obstacle course. My career kept hitting roadblocks until one day, I decided to take control.

It wasn't until I got in the driver's seat and took control, that I learned to build the type of career I desired.  Now I help women all over, make that same transition through career development, coaching and motivational speaking.  Giving back and sharing my lessons learned allows me to live my passion everyday.  I love what I do!

My Credentials

Featured in SHRM’s HR Magazine, the Oakland Business Review and Crain’s Detroit Business, Jocelyn serves as the President and founder of SASHE, LLC, providing strategic career planning, development and coaching services to women looking to move forward.

The strength of her expertise is based on more than 15 years of corporate experience with a professional career that spans several industries such as higher education, hospitality and health care.  With over 10 years of mentoring and coaching professionals, she has earned a reputation of helping professionals discover their talents; leverage their potential and empowering them to reach their goals.

In addition to Leading SASHE, LLC, Jocelyn also serves as a member of the executive team focusing on workforce diversity, recruitment and equal employment opportunity for one of the largest leading health care organizations in Michigan. Leading executive searches and recruitment strategies for major corporations, her expertise includes talent acquisition, career development and strategic workforce planning.

The creator of “Coffee Break Coaching with Jocelyn”, the blog site, “Sisters Keeping it Real” and author of “How to” audio seminars such as “Mapping Your Path to Career and Business Success”, Jocelyn has a fresh new perspective to career development.

Jocelyn is also a former Executive Director of Human Resources for Hilton Hotels Corporation where her outstanding leadership earned her company-wide recognition. A certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), and a graduate of Cornell University Diversity Leadership Program, Jocelyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology/Business from Colby College, a Masters of Arts degree in Human Resources Management, from Marygrove College and is a graduate of Inforum’s Center for Women’s Executive Leadership program.

My Family

My Husband Nick and I having lunch.


With my son Quen

 Quotes from Professional Women

"Jocelyn, you are God-sent. You have been a WONDERFUL mentor to me. During some of the most difficult times of my career, you have always been a great person to listen and offer critical advice. Because of women like you, women like me continue to excel. "         
 -Clarissa Russell, former Administrative Fellow

“Jocelyn is a wonderful mentor/coach and has a fresh perspective on leadership. She has been a great resource for me and has a positive energy to all that she encounters.”
-Tara Michener , Author/Public Speaker , Who I am Not What I am!

 "Jocelyn, thank you for everything that you have done for me.  From sharing appreciation to sharing knowledge and recommendations, I am extremely grateful for your kindness.  Thanks for impacting my life."
                                         -   Stephanie Glover, Recruitment Specialist
“Words cannot express how thankful I am to have Jocelyn as a mentor and coach.  She has always made herself available and was never too busy to provide encouragement or advice.  Most importantly, she was there for me during my first few years in my career when I experienced professional  ”growing pains”.   She was there to dry to tears and helped me develop myself professionally as I planned my next steps for my career.  If I were to say one word to describe Jocelyn, I would say:  “Professional”, “Dynamic”, “Confident”, “Loyal”, “Role-Model”, “Successful”, and “Awesome”!
- Lorraine Saintus, MSPH, Operations Improvement Consultant (Advocate Health Care – IL)