Sunday, October 17, 2010

3 Confidence Myths You Should Know

Welcome back!
How are things?

There are all kinds of myths about confidence floating around.  Below are 3 myths I thought you may find interesting.

Myth #1.  Confident People Are Born.   The other day I watched a public TV interview with CEO, Bob Fish of Biggby Coffee.  Mr. Fish has a welcoming and friendly nature and one that appears confident (check out his site and you will see what I mean).  Mr. Fish said many things however, one that stuck with me was his statement that "Confidence is a choice".

People choose to be confident.  According to Mr. Fish, when one chooses to be confident, they are choosing to have faith that they will be successful.  Therefore, people are not born confident, they choose to be.

Myth #2.  Confident people are perfect.   Not all confident people are perfect.  And perfect people are not always confident.  Being confident has nothing to do with being perfect.  It is more about an attitude that you are good enough to do it.  Confident people are comfortable in their own skin and take on the world with a positive attitude.

Myth #3.  Confidence can't be learned.  I agree with Mr. Fish.  One chooses to be confident by taking action.  Your confidence grows as you continue to exercise confidence building boosters.  It takes time, practice, patience and perseverance.  However, practice is the best confidence booster.

© Jocelyn Giangrande and "The Confident Woman", 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author  is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jocelyn Giangrande and "The Confident Woman" with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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